Tuesday, July 6, 2021



Since the time of the ancient period, education was always dependent on traditional methods of teaching. But, in today’s modern time when technology has opened its wide wings to encompass every field, technology and education have also intersected in a way to transform the teaching-learning process. Sitting in a lecture venue or classroom is being widely replaced with virtual platforms.

In the current scenario when the competition is at its peak, most of the parents enroll their children into tuition to establish a strong base of various concepts. But after attending the hectic schedules of school, it becomes so tiring to attend tuition classes, that when online tuition comes to the rescue. Whether it’s a Maths online tuition, Science online tuition, or English online tuition, the technological revolution has taken the storm into the education field.

Before understanding the benefits of online tuition, let’s first clear our thoughts on what is online tuition?

Online tuition is a one-to-one teaching-learning process where a student and a teacher don’t need to be necessarily physically present. The two can interact anytime, anywhere as there is no constraint of time and location. Online tuition uses live streaming videos and replaces chalk/marker.

An online tutor is the main instructor who offers instructions to students using a distance-learning format. He/she imparts training by simply sitting in front of a computer system with strong internet connectivity across the World.

Why Should You Switch To Online Tuition? What Are Its Benefits?

1. Ensures Flexibility:

The primary benefit of Maths online tuition is its flexibility. A person has the freedom to study as per the time that suits him/her the most. Even if a teacher is traveling or out of town, staying in a hotel, he/she can easily connect with the student. All one needs is a laptop or a digital device.  All the files, homework, assignments, etc. can be easily sent online without any obstacles. All the important discussions, feedback can be easily held online. Also, students and teachers can interact with each other in odd timings like – early morning or late night when public transportation services are not readily available.

2. Immediate Feedback On Tests

Unlike the traditional way of examination, when you get enrolled in an online degree program, you don’t have to wait for days to know the result. Results get declared the moment you finish the test. Students can easily check their performance where they did well or where the scope of improvement is required. Assignments can be accessed conveniently via dropbox and feedback can be provided on a written or a video form.

3. Work – Life Balance

Online tuition offers welcoming environment for working adults. It helps maintain a healthy balance between work and life.  Even students get enough time to spend time with their loved ones. A lot of time is saved by not having to commute and forth on weekdays. The time can be easily invested in leisure activities or simply sharing a sip of tea with the family members.

4. Access To All Your Notes and Study Material

Online tutoring takes place from the comfort of home, hence students can easily access all the notes and other study materials conveniently. They help students understand the concept clearly and retain the logic of topics. Students as well as teachers get rid of the burden of carrying books and other study materials while heading towards the tuition class. Even access to the whole range of online resources also becomes easy. Suppose, during Maths online tuition, a teacher needs to check a certain formula for which he/she is a little confused, then instead of taking a long route of searching into books, he/she can access the formula through Google search. During Science online tuition, demonstrating short videos from YouTube videos also helps students to understand the concept easily.

5. Provides The Comfort of Familiar Environment

Online tutoring allows the students to attend classes from their familiar environment which improves their engagement and participation level into the lectures. They don’t feel shy to raise the questions or clearly say that they haven’t understood the concept. On the other hand, even teachers don’t lose patience or their anger doesn’t leave a direct impact on the students. They can teach peacefully while sitting. They don’t need to stand for a long period of time while teaching on projector or blackboard using chalk and duster. The familiar surroundings around leave a significant and positive impact that helps promotes meaningful learning.

6. Instead of Long Lectures, Short Tutorials Can be Organized.

Traditional tuition classes are generally long because in each class the teacher aims at completing at least one or two topics. Sometimes, it becomes quite burdensome for a student. He/she comes under pressure to grab the concept before the teacher jump to the next topic in the next session. However, with online classes, teachers and students together can break the long class into small sessions. Instead of concentrating upon the topic in one go, teachers may explain the topics in short tutorials within a day. This helps both teachers as well as students to lighten themselves and bring out a remarkable teaching-learning process.

7. Access To Expertise

Online tuition classes are not based on geographic locations. A person sitting in the US can access learning from a teacher sitting in Australia. This allows expertise to become space. If a student would like to learn from the most knowledgeable teacher across the World, he/she can simply get connected to that person through virtual mode. While teachers get more chances to increase their earning by imparting her knowledge around the World. Online tutoring provides a wide platform to a larger section of the population than ever before.

8.  Much Academic Independence

Online class brings much independence for students. They are not completely dependent upon teachers’ lectures. While attending online classes, they browse about the same topic to develop deep understanding or they start searching for the images to get acquainted with the topics.

9. Cost Saving:

With online tuitions, traveling time gets eliminated, which ultimately leads to cost-saving. Online tuition not only helps save costs, but it also helps save a lot of time which can be used for productive work. Even a lot of paper is saved as assignments can be submitted online. Even the notes can be easily prepared side by side on word document or notepad while attending the online class.

10. Invites Brain Exercise:

Academic learning helps children only gain marks and doesn’t sharpen the brain with digital skills. Online tutoring brings additional research and new challenges for the students which helps them enhance their technical knowledge and make efforts to handle online streaming of class independently. The children are not pressurized to learn and live tutoring becomes fun for them. This contributes towards the overall development of a child, making a better future academically as well as psychologically.

The importance of technology is improving the ability to reach more and more students efficiently. Online tutoring is the newest and the best way of tutoring which helps pupils to enhance their learning in the most comfortable and interactive manner.  So switch to online tuition and harness technological advantages, improving students’ confidence, grade, and interpersonal skills.

Platforms That are Providing Online Tuitions : - 

Top 10 Online Tutoring Platforms for Students in 2020

January 15, 2020
preview-clap 55 CLAPS

Have you ever thought how different was the previous decade that we left and this

decade we are entering into? The previous decade where the world was divided into

two zones (north and south zone) came up with the third zone that engulfed all zones

together- Digital Zone.

Online Tutoring is the newest trend of the digital town where students have the power to

learn and study online at their own chosen schedules, teachers and fees. This allows

them to learn at their desired pace and ask their doubts multiple times.

As we are progressing toward one more year of opportunities, hopes, and learning. We

are sharing the top 10 online tutoring platforms that will make your 2020 UpGRADED

with interactive learning!

1.  Tutor.com

·    Price- $39.99-$114.99/month, or $.75/minute

·    Highlights- Multiple subjects, Qualified Teachers, SAT/ACT packages

Online Tutoring


Tutor.com is one of the most used online tutoring platforms used across the USA. They

have collaborated with the U.S military and provide education to them online. They

publish the articles that are written by their tutors guiding them through lessons or tips

and tricks to learn. They have tutoring and homework help like multiple packages for the


2.  Chegg

·    Price- Chat, $6.95/lesson or $14.95/month, Video call- $30/month

·    Highlights- Online library, Flashcards

Online tutoring


Chegg is the convenient online tutoring platform that matches the students with the

tutors according to the requirements filled by the student. They have also adopted the

new style of teaching through flashcards that make students learn and understand

concepts better with visuals. The parents can also talk to tutors and take the report of

their child directly. The Chegg tutors are asked to show their experience in tutoring and

teaching in the past which ensures the quality tutoring services to the student. The e-

library gives access to multiple books to the students. 

3.  Wyzant

·    Price- Ranges from about $10-$700/hour

·    Highlights- Tutor Comparisons, Digital classroom

Online Tutoring


It comes with a “good fit guarantee” feature that makes your first lesson free of cost if

you do not like their way of teaching. You can study in the digital classrooms with your

chosen tutor after comparison on the basis of qualification, prices, and experience.

Learn and study through online video chats for easy learning is also available.

4.  Skooli

·    Price- $.82/minute, minimum 15 minutes ($12.30)

·    Highlights- Friendly user-interface, Math tutors

Online Tutoring


 Skooli is known for its expertise in math tuition. There are no bounded subscriptions

and you can pay only when you want to study. The student can directly put their

question and the Skooli Team finds an appropriate tutor to respond to the answer with

an attached solution. This platform is very popular for solution-driven queries.

5.  SmarThinking

·    Price- 1 hour, $35 and 4 hours, $125 (valid for 4 months)

·    Highlights- 25 Subjects, Quick response

Online Tutoring


The tutors teaching at SmartThinking get certified under the organization after qualifying

certain parameters and 90% of the staff is doctorate or post-graduated in their

respective fields. The parent/child can drop the query of a live session or schedule their

class. The queries are expected to be addressed within a day due to 24x7 support


6.  TutorEye.com

·    Price- Pay as you go $.50 per minute, Monthly packages from $7.49

·    Highlights- Free trial, qualified staff, whiteboard interactive classes

Online Tutoring


It is one of the lowest fee-charging tutoring platforms that provide tuition for multiple

subjects from qualified tutors. The students have the liberty to choose and fix their study

schedules as per their convenience. They also provide live sessions to the students

where students can ask and learn from the teachers via face to face interaction. They

provide whiteboard interaction facilities that help a student to communicate their

problems to the tutor and get their concepts more clear easily.

7.  TutorMe.com

·    Price- $1/minute, 1 hour monthly- $39/month, 2 hours monthly-$69 and 4 hours

monthly- $119

·    Highlights- Qualified teachers, 30-sec response

Online Tutoring


The platform claims to have the tutors that are selected after intensive rounds of

interview and verification. They further say that the acceptance rate is 4% of the

applied tutors who could be connected within 30 seconds after receiving tuition

requests. The lessons that are taught go in an archive (audio, video or written) from

where they could be fetched out and revised again just like a normal textbook

revision. They also offer a free trial.

8.  ClubZ.com

·    Price- Varies as per request and demand of tutors

·    Highlights- pre-K courses, 300 subjects

Online Tutoring


ClubZ provides in-home and online tutoring services to the students. They claim to

improve the grade of students by 2 letters within a span of 60 days of tuition. They

further promise to pay the money back after the first lecture is the student is not

satisfied with the tutoring services. They provide tuition for many subjects ranging from

basic subjects like math, science to music lessons and foreign languages.

9.  TutorDoctor

·    Price- Average of $40-$80 (may vary as per requirements)

·    Highlights- Access to multiple practice tests and study material

Online Tutoring


They have a vast network of around 28000 people that help students to reach their

desired tutor. They provide online tutoring extension to the students from grades 3-

12. They are available 24x7 for student convenience. They get all their tutoring

sessions recorded that helps a child to refresh and revise when needed.

10.  Revolution Prep

·    Price- $99/month to $399 and $1,199 for test preparations

·    Highlights- Group tuition, SAT/ACT study packages

Online Tutoring


The tutors enrolled with Revolution Prep are the full-time employees that are claimed to

work with utmost dedication for the student. They are known for their special study

programs designed exclusively to prepare students for SAT/ACT exams. They also

provide homework help in 37 subjects.

This is the list of all leading tutoring platforms, however, it is about finding the one which

serves your purpose best because each child is unique in his own way and requires a

different style of learning.


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